Events & Media
Annual Lecture of the Austrian Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science
June 2024
From Vienna to Jupiter and beyond. The Austrian Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science held its annual lecture event with esteemed guests and friends from across Austria and learned about climate research in and beyond Earth.
Dr. Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Chair of the Austrian Society of Friends, opened the evening’s events, welcoming guests.
Mr. David Roet, Ambassador of the State of Israel in Austria, shared words of greetings. Embassy of Israel in Austria
Mr. Zohar Menshes, EVP of ECWIS, shared news in the Weizmann campus and the resilience and unifying aspect of science, especially in turbulent times.
Dr. Eli Galanti, Staff Scientist from the Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, in the lab of Prof. Yohai Kaspi, shared his fascinating AI-powered climate change research, in his presentation “How AI transforms climate research: A journey from Earth to Jupiter and back”.
This research is conducted under the Center for Climate Research, within the Institute for Environmental Sustainability (IES), a flagship project of the Weizmann Institute of Science. The IES’s mission is to harness basic science for sustainable breakthroughs and solutions.
The opportunity to come together through science and ask questions to better our shared tomorrow, is what the Weizmann Institute is all about.
Thank you to Roberta Breiter, Director of Resource Development- Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany & Austria, European Committee of the Weizmann Institute of Science
Photography by Matthias Silveri.
Annual Lecture of the German Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science
February 2024
The German Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science, chaired by Sidney Jachimowicz, held its annual meeting in February 2024, in the historical Lecture Hall Ruin at the Berlin Museum of Medical History, in the Charité- one of the biggest and leading university hospitals in Europe. A farewell honoring the great service and term of Dr. Manfred Gentz, former Chair of the German Society commenced.
The traditional lecture was presented by Prof. Avigdor Scherz, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Weizmann Institute of Science, who delivered an engaging and inspiring lecture called “From Photosynthesis to Cancer Therapy.”
Gatherings in Zurich and Lugano with the Swiss Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science
November 2023
The Swiss Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science, a major devoted supporter of the Weizmann Institute, held two special gatherings in Zurich and Lugano. These evenings of solidarity, united friends of the Institute with their respective Society leaders, Mr. Eric Stupp, Chairman of the Swiss Society of Friends, and Mr. Agostino Ferrazini, President of the Ticino Chapter of the Swiss Society.
Together, they were updated on the current situation in Israel and the Weizmann Institute of Science’s inspiring and impactful initiatives during this time by Zohar Menshes, Executive Vice President of ECWIS.
To top it off, Prof. Tamir Klein, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, came from campus, to share his fascinating research findings, including the ways in which trees and fungi can create a strong ecosystem of cooperation and mutual support, through their roots.
This gathering highlighted the perseverance of the Weizmann Institute of Science and scientific excellence.
Photographs in the Zurich captured by Aviv Zur
Thank you Google EURB for hosting the Zurich event.